2011   Speakers

Kelly Parker, P.E. Preview Kelly Parker, P.E.
President, Guaranteed Watt Saver

Kelly Parker, P.E., owner and president of Guaranteed Watt Saver Systems, Inc. is a professional engineer in 13 states. GWS is a national award-winning energy, engineering, consulting and inspection firm with 25 full-time individuals dedicated to improving the quality of building construction. GWS has performed more than 50,000 inspections in the past five years and has multiple national awards from EPA, EEBA and RESNET. Kelly is a member of the RESNET Board of Directors and is a LEED Accredited Professional. He has served as RESNET Board President in 2006-2007, and is a Certified HERS Rater. For the 20-plus years, he has specialized in energy efficiency and resource training through building science, addressing HVAC design, performance, air infiltration testing, temperature, and humidity control. Over the past several years, Kelly has become an active champion and presenter of environmentally responsible building practices.

Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb Preview Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb
Lt. Governor

Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb was elected last November, and serves the governor as an advocate for small business. An Enid native, he played football at Louisiana Tech University, and earned a bachelor’s degree from Oklahoma State University and a law degree from Oklahoma City University. Lamb served former Gov. Frank Keating four years, traveling extensively to promote the pro-growth economic agenda. In 1998, he because a special agent in the Secret Service, after graduating as president of his academy class and graduating with special recognition. In that role, he protected presidents and investigated counterfeiting, bank fraud and identity theft. He also served on the national Joint Terrorism Task Force. He has served under U.S. Sen. Don Nickles and as a state senator, representing Northwest Oklahoma City and Edmond. In 2009, he became the first Republican majority floor leader in the state’s history.

Todd Booze Preview Todd Booze
Co-Owner & President, Ideal Homes
Chairman of the OSHBA Green Building Council

Todd Booze is co-owner and president of construction for Ideal Homes, as well as, he is chairman of the OSHBA Green Building Council. Since 1990, Ideal Homes has constructed more than 7,000 new homes in the Oklahoma City metro area. Under the leadership of Booze, Ideal was named 2010 “Builder of the Year” from Professional Builder magazine; and “America’s Best Builder” for 2007, from Builder Magazine and the National Association of Homebuilders.

Along the way, Ideal Homes has blazed a path in energy-efficient building. In 1997, Ideal Homes built the first affordable line of Energy Star homes in America and, in 2005, the company built America’s first “Zero Energy Homes” under $200,000.

Booze holds a bachelor’s of business administration in finance from the University of Oklahoma.

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