2012   Speakers

Michael Ming
Oklahoma Secretary of Energy

C. Michael Ming currently serves as the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy, appointed by Governor Mary Fallin in January, 2011.

He formerly served as the President of the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, RPSEA, and as an independent natural gas producer as a Managing Member and principal of K. Stewart Energy Group and K. Stewart Petroleum Corp. He holds a BS degree with distinction in Petroleum Engineering and an MS degree in Engineering Management, both from Stanford University, and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Oklahoma. Mr. Ming is an emeritus member and past Chairman of the Petroleum Investments Committee at Stanford University. He is actively involved in the University’s energy programs and co-sponsored the MAP/Ming Visiting Professorship on Energy and the Environment.

He currently serves on advisory boards for the Stanford School of Earth Sciences, the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas, and MAP. He formerly served on the MIT Future of Natural Gas Study, the Oklahoma Clean Energy Independence Commission, as an adjunct professor in Energy Management at the University of Oklahoma, and as an oil & gas strategic planning advisor to the Department of Energy.

Bob Hart
Owner, A Hart Realty Inc., Santa Barbara, Calif.

A real estate Broker for more than 20 years, Hart is a past president of the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors and is currently on the board of the California and national associations. He chaired the Green Task Force for the California Association of Realtors, served on the Global Climate Change Policy Presidential Advisory Group for NAR and serves as the Executive Branch Advocate to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Justin Wilson Preview Justin Wilson
Founder and President, Building Performance Solutions Colorado Springs, Colo.

Wilson is a leader in research and development of environmental initiatives for the construction industry. Working with developers, builders, green programs and municipalities, Wilson has helped set the criteria for excellence in building materials and technologies for the building industry. He presents in more than 100 cities a year, to architects, engineers, builders, educators and trade partners on high performance green construction practices.

Devon Energy Center Preview Devon Energy Center
Devon Energy Center

Luncheon presentation by Devon Energy Center

Klay Kimker of Devon and John Wood of Hines, the project’s developer

Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-citys-devon-energy-goes-for-green-gold-on-former-brownfield-site/article/3678188

“Green” features are built into building operations:

  • District cooling and state-of-the-art energy management technologies maximize efficiency.
  • The geometry of the tower and exterior glass fins reduce solar load.
  • Energy-efficient light fixtures use minimal energy to operate.
  • Light fixtures dim automatically depending on available natural light.
  • Sensors dim lights when space is not occupied.
  • Raised-floor air distribution increases efficiency and contributes to indoor air quality.
  • The tower's geometry and glass walls allow abundant natural light in all areas.
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